God's Simple Plan of Salvation in Vietnamese
(How to Be Born Again by Faith in Jesus Christ and His Finished Work)
(The Gospel of Jesus Christ
e-Tract in Many Different Languages)
Thanks to Robert Ford Porter, Litt.D., Chairman,
Lifegate, Inc.,
Monrovia, for permission to use these wonderful tracts here on LCM.
This page provides the tract in Afrikaans. Check the links at the top of this page
to find the tract in other languages. I plan to add other languages soon. In the
meantime, if your native language is not found, please
click here to go to
website that has more
languages available.
First, Who is Jesus, and What Did He Do?
Dear Precious Visitor,
As a pastor, minister of the gospel, and missionary, I cannot stress the
following enough. It is absolutely imperative that each person know exactly who Jesus
is and what He has done before they put their faith in Him. The Bible
warns that there is a false Gospel that promotes another 'Jesus.'
(Galatians 1:6-9 and 12 Corinthians 11:4) That gospel and Jesus can do nothing
for you but deceive you. The true Jesus that provides true salvation is
identified as follows.
Briefly and simply stated, Jesus is God the Creator who clothed Himself in human
flesh. (John 1:1-3, 14.) He is also the 'Lord' of Abraham (John 5:18, 8:56, and
10:30-33) who gave the Law to Moses (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58) in the Old
Testament. He was also resurrected bodily on the third day according to the
Scriptures. (Luke 24:36-43, John 20:26-29, and 1 Corinthians
15:3-4) This is the Jesus in whom our trust must be placed. (Romans 10:9-10)
You may click here to learn more
in detail about who Jesus was
and is, and what He did and is doing.
NOTE: This page may take a while to load the text because it is
in an image format that should be readable on any computer.

Copyright: Robert Ford Porter, 1991
Dear Beloved of God,
If you have read, understood, believed, and followed the
instructions given above, congratulations. Upon the Authority of the Word of
God, you should have the assurance that you have been born again!
Though it is by no means necessary, the Pastor of Windward Bible
Church (also the webmaster of LCM) would be encouraged to hear that you have
been saved by grace through face in Jesus Christ and His finished work. Please
drop him a short e-mail the tell him so (in English only as I cannot understand
any others). I assure you. Your e·mail address will not be placed on any mailing
list or shared with others, unless you specifically request it.
If you live in a Muslim or Communist country, or any other place
that may be hostile to the Good News of Jesus Christ and His finished work, I fully understand
that you may not want to have someone communicating back to you with e-mails
that could possibly be intercepted by others. Thus, I will not send you any
e·mails or anything else if you state that.
Yet, it is important that you tell someone about your new
faith in Christ. You should not be ashamed of who Jesus is to you now. (Psalm
107:1-2, Luke 9:26, Romans 1:16) If you
tell me, I will endeavor to pray for you and have those in our local assembly of
Windward Bible Church to also pray for you. The information on how to contact me
is available on my Contact Us page.
As a new member of God's personal family, you should seek out a
good church and fellow believers with whom to fellowship. You should also take
the first step in following the Lord as a disciple, which is identifying
yourself as a believer that has been born again by the spirit of God. That step
is simply following the Lord in believers baptism by immersion in water that
symbolizes your death to your old way of life, and your spiritual rebirth and
walking in the new life God has given you. (Romans 6:1-3)
If you live in an area where there is no church that faithfully teaches the
Bible, I suggest that you attend our services virtually by listening to our
messages in MP3 format posted here on LCM.
Click here to go to that page. We simply strive to explain the Scripture
verse by verse so that those that listen can grow and be transformed by the
miraculous teaching of God's word.
May the Lord help and encourage you as you now walk with Him.
Looking up for Him,
Walter Robinson II
Pastor of Windward Bible Church
and The Webmaster of LCM
December 15, 2004
Form to
Send Feedback to Pastor Robinson
Form to send feedback to Pastor Robinson. I would like to hear from you very much
-- especially if you were just born again by faith in Christ!
I am sorry, but I
can only
read and understand English

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April 1, 2004
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It took until April 1, 2004 to get them working again.)
Copyright © 2000 Last Chance Ministries. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 13, 2006.