How to contact us:

Send snail mail to:
Walter Robinson II
Hillsborough P.O.
Carriacou, Grenada
West Indies
(473) 443-7764
US address:
Walter Robinson II
C/o Cross Lanes Bible Church
5442 Big Tyler Road
Cross Lanes, West Virginia 25313
(304) 776-1619
Holy Mount Baptist Missions Helps
(Mission Board)
P.O. Box 4177
3121 Ashley Street
Kingsport, Tennessee 37665
(423) 247-1212
Send any correspondence
LCM to
Walter Robinson II,

If you desire to help us with our missionary work, or with the cost of
maintaining LCM, you may make a tax deductible gift to our mission board listed
above via check, cash (not recommended unless delivered in person), or money
order. Donations given through our mission board will automatically generate a
receipt so that you can receive a reduction off your taxes.
On the other hand, if you desire to simply provide a gift to help us in any way,
and you do not plan to claim it to get a reduction in your taxes, you may use either of the two
following buttons to make a donation via
PayPal. These are
considered as personal gifts to us.
NOTE: If you prefer to make an immediate donation using
the following buttons, and would also like to have a receipt so you can get a
tax deduction, you may do so. However, you must state in your donation
note that you desire a receipt for tax purposes.
Making a donation this way is immediate, secure, and safe using SSL Strong
Encryption (128bit).
In any case, each donor will receive a personal note of thanks from us,
unless they stipulate they do not want one. Thanks ahead of time!
Lastly, if you desire to receive e·mail
notifications about additions or changes to any part of LCM you may send an
e·mail to the
webmaster stating your wish.
Spammers beware! Don't wast your time by putting us on
your list. I assure you, your unsolicited mail will never reach any of us. We
will never see it or read it. It will be bounced back to you with prejudice! By
that I mean, once you get bounced and blacklisted, you will not even be able to
send us a valid e·mail if you so desire. In addition, your e·mail address and
internet provider's domain and IP address will be reported to various spam
databases that will enable millions to automatically block your spam.

Visitors have viewed this page since
April 1, 2004
(NOTE: All preexisting page counters were
reset to
zero when my server crashed in March of 2004.
It took until April 1, 2004 to get them working again.)
Copyright © 2000 Last Chance Ministries. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 13, 2006.