A Biblical Perspective on the Topic of UFOs and ETs
Many excerpts on this page and subsequent
section of LCM were taken from my book;
The Final Empire
©Copyrighted 1994
®All Rights Reserved
Walter Robinson II
I (i.e., The Webmaster of LCM) has a rather unique perspective on this
topic for most Christian pastors, missionaries, preachers, and Bible teachers. I
have extensive background experience with this subject matter before I became a
believer in Jesus Christ, and since then. I also served as an official
investigator with the National
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena
(NICAP) many years
ago. (See NICAP
at http://www.nicap.org/
and the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies,
or CUFOS, at
http://www.cufos.org/). I
have also interviewed well known people involved in this material from an Emmy
Award winning TV producer to a prime minister of a country about this subject
matter. To read more about my background check out
About the Author of LCM
and a page that describes my
Spiritual Background.
It is not uncommon, and it is even often expected that Biblically
based Christian ministries will have some kind of statement regarding the theory of
evolution. But some may be surprised to find a Christian web site that ventures to discuss
the topic of UFOs and ETs.
I am convinced that belief in natural extraterrestrial life and
evolution are equally dependent upon each other, and also partners and key players in the
deceptive end-time influence foretold by the Bible. Thus, I believe that addressing these
topics from a Biblical perspective are essential and needed today for the benefit of
Biblical Christians and everyone else as well.
At one time or another, all of the following have broached this
enigmatic topic: The Family Channel, A & E, Sci-Fi, The Learning Channel
(TLC), The Discovery Channel, Larry King, Unsolved Mysteries, Lifetime, Fox, CNN,
CBS, NBC, ABC, and many more.
Over the years various producers have created many block-busting
Fictional movies that deal with this matter. ET, Star Wars, and Independence
Day are just a few of the more better recognized. There are increasing
numbers of producers that are also presenting "based upon true events"
movies dealing with the same material. The television industries leading networks and
channels listed above have also produced serious documentaries on the subject.
But what a number of Christians do not realize is this. A number of
leading Christian spokesmen and authors have also made sweeping statements on these
topics, and much of what has been said is seriously troubling to me. I am speaking as a
believer, a ordained minister of the Word of God, and one who has personal
experience and has conducted much personal
research on the topic. Some of the positions offered by some notable Christian authors are as
Many have stated
that there is nothing to the any of the claims. They believe that all the people who
have reported seeing or experiencing something dealing with these phenomenon are the
result of:
Being mistaken in describing what they have seen
Suffered delusions as a result of hypnotic suggestion
Being mentally unstable
People seeking fame and fortune
Unknown natural phenomenon
Other explanations that are coming to mind
the other hand, other Christian notables state or allude to the ideas that UFOs and ETs
are, or could be:
of angels, and their vehicles used to travel around the universe
planned method of producing a technological rapture when the time arrives
beings from other worlds that have not fallen under the curse of sin, who have come to
Earth to help us better understand God and his plan for mankind
My research demands that I disagree with the above suppositions.
To meet a real perceived need
From past conversations with many, and
counseling some about this phenomenon over the last two decades, I have become gravely
concerned that most pastors and Christian counselors remain mostly ignorant on this topic.
I am also concerned that there are many people, believers and non-believers alike, who
need the very thing that only Biblical Christians can offer, which is a Biblical
perspective on every aspect of the phenomenon. It is my hope and goal that this section of
LCM will serve to inform people and also equip believers to respond to the ever increasing
intrusion this topic is making into the lives and adults children everywhere.
Over the years I have encountered people
that have expressed a deep desire to properly understand this topic. Often times some of
these have fallen under the true power behind the phenomenon, and in time their lives have
become filled with fear and confusion as a result. This includes some that
have at one time been professing fundamental believers. Too many have had their lives disrupted or
even shattered. Simply speaking, many want it all to stop. For those willing to
hear and heed the Christian Bible, there is help only prayer away.
I have also become alarmed over the
increasing number of children that are becoming comfortable with the underlying worldly
philosophy of this phenomenon. Many Biblical parents would openly tell their children about
the fallacies of evolution; yet, they too may only shuffle their feet and look down when
their children bring up this topic. Even worse, in ignorance about topic some parents may
even venture to make a statement that would allow for belief in natural intelligent life
on other planets. It seems that such are forgetting that such life on other planets would
have to be a result of evolution, because the Bible teaches that our planet is the only
one that has life on it.
Furthermore, too many parents flippantly
downplay some children's insistence on having invisible playmates. Most often such is
merely a child exercising a fertile imagination. But, there are some case where children
are truly seeing sometime that parents cannot. A parent can tell what is actually
happening only when they know how to inquire and discuss the matter with their children.
There is a very real, and very evil
spiritual element active today, and the Bible teaches that it will only become more
pervasive and influential until the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Unfortunately, any
person, including children, can be vulnerable at times under certain conditions, including
Christians and children in Christian homes. I believe the material in this section of
LCM will help provide the information that is needed by many today to deal with the
multifaceted aspects of the strange phenomenon.
I hope that visitors
will click on the links in the heading of this page.
point to other pages that describe other events I experienced earlier in life that
ultimately led to my deeper involvement in with the phenomenon. Other pages describe how my
wonder about the possible existence in extraterrestrial life developed into...
Blind faith in their existence
Experience in occult world of
psychic phenomenon
The frightening bondage that came with all the above
My true enlightenment and also the deliverance and break from the phenomenon
through new birth by grace through simple faith in Jesus Christ
The unexpected turn my life took in regard to the phenomenon after I
became a believer
As a visitor browses through this section of LCM, I believe each will
come to understand my perspective, even though all will not likely agree with it.
Lastly, I am conducting an
internet poll on the topic of belief in and
experience with ETs and UFOs from a Christian perspective. I hope you will take the
opportunity to help us develop this unique database.
NOTE: The poll form has been fixed as of December 28, 2004.
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April 1, 2004
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It took until April 1, 2004 to get them working again.)
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Revised: May 10, 2006.